This condition is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep inside the body. This type of clot develops in most feet. This situation is dangerous because the clot can break free and travel through the bloodstream to the lungs. It can cause pain and swell in the legs, and many times no symptoms develop. Some common symptoms that occur in this condition include heating the area around the vein, pain on touching, swelling, or pain.
Risk factors for deep vein thrombosis
The following factors may increase the likelihood of deep vein thrombosis:
- Family history
- Long bed rest
- Injury to nerves or surgery
- Stomach ache
- Birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy
- Being overweight or obese
- Smoking
- heart failure
- Pregnancy
Deep vein thrombosis causes:-
Blood clots are clusters of blood cells refer to as platelets, which each person possesses and depends on to survive. Platelets are responsible for helping the blood to freeze within an injured or damaged artery/vein. So whenever you are hurt, scratched, bruised, or operated, you will not shed too much blood.
Not everyone with a clot experiences any noticeable symptoms or has any idea that he has developed one. However, the clot itself usually causes inflammation, swelling, and local problems on the site where it is formed.
Conditions to notice:-
Being over 60:
Elderly adults are more likely to have DVT than younger adults. People over 75 are most at risk, especially if they are overweight.
Genetic factors:
Some inherited symptoms can cause genetic blood-clotting disorders or the production of too many platelets. This makes blood easily clotting and more likely to form a clot. The good news is that having DVT in your family does not mean that you will get it yourself. As a genetic predisposition, it usually needs to be combined with other risk factors for clotting.
A sedentary lifestyle:
Prolonged dormancy, especially when kept at bed rest for an extended period, can contribute to blood pooling and clotting. Other lifestyle habits or scenarios that may contribute to thrombosis include avoiding exercise, long plane or car rides, sitting at a desk all day, watching TV for several hours and immobility after surgery, an injury, or other health conditions.
Being overweight:
Being overweight or obese is associated with a higher risk for blood clots as excess fat tissue increases estrogen levels. Estrogen stored in fatty tissue can contribute to clot formation, inflammation, and other problems that can trigger DVT.
Women are at greater risk of developing clots during pregnancy and just after giving birth. Reasons for this include producing extra blood to support the fetus, increased pressure on the veins, changes in blood pressure, and weight gain. A frightening finding is that pulmonary embolism (a lung clot) is one of the leading causes of maternal death during birth.
Smoking and drug use:
All of the risk factors described above for deep vein thrombosis worsen when you smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products, or recreational drugs. Tobacco is even riskier when combined with drugs that affect blood flow and hormone levels (such as estrogen).
Menopause and hormonal changes:
Some research suggests that changes in estrogen, contraceptive pills, or hormone replacement therapy medications, including an increase in estrogen due to taking, can increase blood clots and cause various heart complications. Menopausal women taking drugs to replace estrogen are also at greater risk if they smoke, are overweight and do not exercise.