Why choose Interventional Radiology Services for your next treatment?
Due to the advancement in medical technology, interventional radiology provides exceptional benefits to the patients looking for surgery for their treatment. The important benefits are:
- Less pain: Because of very tiny incisions, there is very little pain in the entire procedure in comparison to traditional surgery.
- Minimize Risk: The risk of infection and other complications is also very less as the treatment is minimally invasive.
- Better & Fast Recovery: In comparison to the tradition surgery, patients who undergo IR treatment experience a shorter treatment duration.
- Low cost: IR treatment also reduces the overall cost.
Get treatment of a wide range of diseases by the Interventional Radiology
We provide treatments for endovascular diseases using the latest interventional radiology techniques without the involvement of any intense pain and cuts. The treatment is highly successful and provides relief in minimum time.

Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins, dark purple or blue in colour and mostly found in the legs.

Fibroids are abnormal growth that develops in the woman's uterus, which can cause abdominal pain and heavy periods.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot, mostly formed in the deep vein of the legs.

Peripheral Artery Disease
In PAD, fatty deposits, cholesterol, calcium and other substances get build up in the arteries and reduce the blood flow.

Liver Cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis involves loss of liver cells and irreversible scarring of the liver.

Aortic Aneurysm
Aortic aneurysm is a bulge that occurs in the aorta (major blood vessel) which carries blood to the heart.
Looking for the treatment? Contact us!
Searching for the expert who can give you proper consulation and treatment? Then here we are. Contact us immediately!
We provide a service that caters your needs and provides accurate diagnosis and best treatment for your diseases.
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Dr. Nikhil Bansal
Consultant Endovascular & Interventional Radiology
Endo vascular treatment of following Vascular diseases:
- Uterine fibroids, गर्भाशय की रसौली का एम्बोलिज़ेशन (नॉन सर्जिकल मेथड) से इलाज
- Varicocele, अंडकोष की नसों के सूजन का एम्बोलिज़ेशन से इलाज
- Varicose veins, पैरों की नसों के फूल जाने का लेज़र, रेडियोफ्रीक्वेंसी अबलेशन और मो. का (MOCA ) से इलाज
- DVT, डीप वेंन थ्रोम्बोसिस का एडवांस तकनीक थ्रोम्बोल्य्सिस से इलाज
- Peripheral artery disease, पेरिफेरल वैस्कुलर रोग का इलाज
- Infertility, बच्चा ना हो पाना का इंटरवेंशनल रेडियोलोजी से इलाज
- Back pain, पीठ में दर्द होना
- Headache, सर दर्द का इलाज
Interventional Pain Management
Interventional Radiology has gained a lot of success as minimally invasive treatment to provide fast, immediate and sustained relief from pain. You can get the following pain treatment by the vascular specialist in Jaipur, Dr. Nikhil Bansal.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How Interventional Radiology is different from surgery?
Does interventional radiology cause pain?
Will the doctor provide general anaesthesia?
Is interventional radiology right for me?
Do I need to concern about radiation safety?
Just ask & Get answers.
Your questions and queries are important to us. Ask us whatever query you have for your disease. We’ve expert to resolve all your queries.
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