Types of Fibroids-Know How Many Types of Fibroids?

Types of fibroids

Types of Fibroids: Women are more prone to diseases as compared to men. According to research, there is a 25% greater chance for women to suffer from health-related conditions than men. Here we are discussing one such condition women go through, and that is fibroids.

Fibroids are a common problem in females, and there are different types of fibroids as well. To help you know more about it, we are discussing these types in detail here and also to help you know who is the best doctor to approach for the treatment.

Before we dive into the types of fibroids, we would like to let you know about one of the best doctors around whom you can approach for treatment. Yes, in Jaipur, you can get the best uterine fibroids treatment. You can fix an appointment with Dr. Nikhil Bansal. He is one of the best doctors you can approach for treatment. Well, now you know about the doctor, let’s discuss the types and other relevant details when considering fibroids.

What is Fibroids?

Fibroids are abnormal masses that develop in the uterus of women. Sometimes these tumors are small, and sometimes they become quite large and are responsible for severe pain and heavy periods. In some cases, there are no visible signs or symptoms related to fibroids. Initially, the growth of this mass is non-cancerous.

Fibroids are also well known by other names, including:

  • Fibromas
  • Uterine myomas
  • Myomas
  • Leiomyomas

By the age of 50, nearly 80% of women have fibroids problems and do not have any specific symptoms.

What is the main cause of Uterine Fibroids?

Types of Fibroids:

For better understanding, in this section, we are discussing the types of fibroids in detail. These are of four types, and this includes: a

1. Subserosal Fibroids:

These are the masses that are located near the outer layer of the uterus. The growth takes place more towards the outside of the uterus, and when these fibroids are small, they are responsible for causing some significant symptoms.

In general, for the small asymptomatic sub-serosal fibroids, there is no need for any treatment, and doctors can monitor them with the help of ultrasounds.

But if these fibroids become symptomatic, it is important to reach out to the doctor and get treatment as soon as possible. Large fibroids are characterized by heavy menstrual bleeding and pressure symptoms over a nearby organ.

2. Submucosal Fibroids:

Submucosal fibroids refer to the condition when cell growth takes place towards the internal layer or mucosa of the uterus. These protrude into the uterine cavity and turn out to be symptomatic at smaller sizes as well. The symptoms indicating submucosal fibroids include irregularities in menstrual cycles. Additionally, these fibroids are responsible for affecting fertility and causing miscarriages as well.

With the help of hysteroscopy doctors, submucous fibroids can be removed. It is important for females to reach out to the doctor on time because delay is responsible for causing some other problems as well.

3. Intermural fibroids:

Intramural fibroids are a condition when the growth of these cells takes place within the width of the uterine muscles or myometrium. Initially, these fibroids behave like subserous fibroids, and this can be analyzed on the basis of their size and position.

Some common symptoms linked with it include extended periods and heavy bleeding. Some females also experience bleeding between the menstrual cycles. Furthermore, it is responsible for infertility and miscarriage in some females.

4. Pedunculated Fibroids:

Pedunculated fibroids are the condition when the fibroids start to grow on the stalk of the uterine walls outside or inside the uterus. There are very mild symptoms related to this type of fibroid, but on the other hand, it has a major impact on fertility.

It is important to reach out to the doctor in order to get the treatment as soon as possible.

Symptom Differences

Fibroids are usually attached to the interior lining of one of your fallopian tubes. They might have a variety of symptoms, depending on which parts they’re attached to and how they’re developing.

  • Pedunculated fibroids can induce sharp pain if they become twisted.
  • Subserosal fibroids may cause problems during pregnancy, including symptoms such as frequent urination or constipation.
  • Submucosal fibroids can cause significant issues with the reproductive tract, including heavy periods and trouble conceiving and carrying a pregnancy to term.
  • Intramural fibroids or subserosal or submucosal fibroids can cause symptoms that mimic those of endometriosis. This is a common misunderstanding.

Uterine Fibroids – symptoms and causes

The following are the common types of fibroids, and it is important for women to understand that they are not avoiding such conditions. If they are avoiding it, they are putting themselves at the risk of suffering other problems as well. As we have already discussed, you can simply visit Jaipur and fix an appointment with Dr. Nikhil Bansal. He provides the best uterine fibroids treatment in Jaipur and has had expertise in the field for a very long time.

FAQ: Types of Fibroids

Q. 1 Is it important for a female to go for fibroids removal?

Ans: In some cases, it is important to go for fibroids removal, and sometimes the medicine can help. Hysterectomy is the process that doctors adapt to remove fibroids.

Q. 2 What is the best treatment for fibroids?

Ans: In general, surgery is one of the best treatments for fibroids. Doctors rarely suggest patients rely on medication to deal with fibroids.

Q. 3 Is it possible to shrink fibroids in natural ways?

Ans: According to research done, there are some natural methods that people adapt to shrink fibroids, and this includes the consumption of medication and changes in lifestyle. In most cases, doctors suggest women have a baby as well.

Q. 4 Can you pass fibroids during a period?

Ans: It is extremely rare for a woman to pass fibroid tissue during her period. It is the only condition where the fibroids have been treated with UFE. Otherwise, it is unlikely that the fibroid will pass during the periods.

Q. 5 What foods does a woman need to avoid when she is dealing with fibroids?

Ans: When a woman is dealing with fibroids, she needs to avoid high-fat and processed foods. Processed foods are also extremely dangerous. Cut back on the calories to deal with the problem.

Q. 6 What size fibroids do doctors suggest removing?

Ans: When fibroids are large enough, there is no definite size, but if you experience symptoms, you need to speak to your doctor about them. The doctor will help you to know whether it needs removal or not.