How do you treat the deep vein thrombosis symptoms?

deep vein thrombosis symptoms

Deep vein thrombosis is a condition in which blood clots form in the vein which is located deep inside the body. This clot turns into an undesirable solid state. These usually take place from the higher or lower leg and develop in other areas of the body. Some other names associated with dvt include post-thrombotic syndrome, postphlebitic syndrome, and thromboembolism.

After diagnosing DVT is it is essential to approach deep vein thrombosis treatment in Jaipur as soon as possible. He will reach a conclusion about the best treatment. But if you want to know how they will be going to start, have a look at the treatment we are mentioning below.

Treatment for deep vein thrombosis:-

Blood thinners:

Before moving ahead with any major treatment, doctors will suggest patients have some blood thinners. Anticoagulants or blood thinners are highly suitable for treating deep vein thrombosis. These are not responsible for breaking up the blood clots that already formed but will not promote the growth of clots, and more clots will not get developed. Blood thinners can be taken orally or through injection as well. Initially, the doctor suggests injections, but after some days, they move ahead with pills. The duration for which you need to take these blood thinner pills are up to 4 months, and then doctors will diagnose it again and check for recovery.

Clot busters:

Clot busters are special drugs also known as thrombolytic, which are especially prescribed for serious types of DVT. If not even a single medicine is working in your favor, this will definitely. Clot buster causes bleeding, and this is the reason for people having severe blood clots doctors prescribe these. A doctor gives the clot-buster through IV or catheter.


If a person is not able to take medicines due to any reason, doctors will insert a filter into the large vein. This is a vena cava filter, which prevents clot formation.

Compression stockings:

Compression stockings are specially for those suffering from deep vein thrombosis. These are the special knee socks to reduce the chances of blood clotting. This prevents swelling that takes place because of DVT.


Last but not least, if there is no recovery through any of the above-mentioned treatments, doctors will move ahead for surgery. Through surgery, they remove the clot from the arm or leg. Doctors suggest this in the case the cloth is very big.

Following are the treatments for deep vein thrombosis, and according to the condition, the deep vein thrombosis treatment in Jaipur will move ahead for treatment. Make sure to tell them your every habit. So that coming up with the best treatment for you will be easy for them.